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Fiduciary Investment Management

As a fiduciary, we are obligated and pleased to provide the education and collaborative communication in order to design the investment portfolio meeting the needs, goals, and objectives of each and every client. Our Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) firm, Sound Income Strategies, LLC (SIS) is a fiduciary proactively managing money for our clients with an emphasis on income investment strategies. Together, we bring significant knowledge and experience to the table in order to guide each client through a simple and easy to understand process. Our clients are brought to a place of clear understanding, so they can make prudent and informed decisions. Give us a call today and set up your complimentary consultation to help assure you are headed in the right direction!

senior couple managing paperwork

The Difference Between Investing for Income and Growth

At Drew Pelton Investment Services, we emphasize the equation TR = I + G (Total Return equals Income plus Growth). We help you to understand the importance of investing for income and purpose instead of mostly growth and performance when striving to accomplish a more stress-free and a prosperous retirement. Investing primarily for growth can be dangerous when approaching retirement because of stock market risk. Instead, focus on income generating strategies stemming from interest and dividends which are more stable and reliable. Most investors looking for a more stress-free retirement will want to focus more on the equation’s income portion. Growth opportunities are normally best measured through research and client objective strategies.

Extensive Resources and Our Team Approach

As a Retirement Income Source, our team is part of a national group of 50+ other offices supported by our fiduciary, Registered Investment Advisory Firm, Sound Income Strategies, LLC. We provide both investment and income strategies for a range of investors whether small, midsize, or large. Our collaborative and our communicative approach helps to produce results aligned with your goals and objectives. Call Drew Pelton Investment Services today to discover how investing for income helps to reduce risk, provide greater stability, and to generate more dependable income for you.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today!